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We Love Teachers.
We also love books. That's why we're teaming up with Barnes & Noble and HMH Teen to help you build your classroom library. Just enter below for your chance to win a $30 gift card to Barnes & Noble, plus three exciting new titles from HMH Teen.
Created By A Teacher
James Tilton knew that teens who hated reading simply hadn't read the right book yet. So he created PickMyYA to match his freshmen students with a book they'd love. Since its creation, PickMyYA has helped thousands of readers find their next favorite book.

Our one-of-a-kind Book Rec Generator matches readers with a young adult book they'll love in 60 seconds or less. It's like having an entire library at your fingertips. And, best of all, it's a completely free way to help your students fall in love with reading.

Run By Teens
We here at PickMyYA believe that teens should be at the heart of everything YA. That's why we have teens interview authors for our #BeyondTheBio segments, why we share fan art from teen readers every Friday, and why the PickMyYA teens run our Instagram.

Every Sunday, we interview an amazing YA author as part of our #BeyondTheBio segment. Teens can learn more about their favorite authors and win free books, signed bookmarks, and other amazing book swag. These interviews are perfect for book reports and author bios.
Every Friday, we share fan art from teen readers. Encourage your students to submit their fan art for consideration. It's a great way to help students develop their art skills and to foster cross-curricular learning. Plus, creating fan art helps students fall in love with books.

Enter To Win
Contest is only open to teachers.
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